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A Nuyorican's Musical Theme

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Puerto Rican Style

Well, it's Christmas time. As a Puerto Rican, this is the time for food. Although, Puerto Rican children believe in Santa Claus, the Three Kings "Los Reyes" beat Santa hands down.

We love to make and eat pasteles, arroz con gandules and lechon. By the time December 31st rolls around, you are tired of eating these things since very Puerto Rican household will have it.

We also do parrandas. Parrandas are Christmas Carols done the rough way. Or as one friend calls it "Drunken Christmas Carolling." Usually, a group of friends wait until everyone in the house they are visiting is asleep. You then bang at their door and start asking to come in by singing songs. It's crazy but it's fun.

One of my favorite Christmas songs is from El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico. It's a story that expresses exactly what Christmas is to us. Basically, the singer is telling his friends "Let's forget any issues we faced this year." He wants them to celebrate the season since they normally do not have a chance to get together during the year. The refrain of this song is what Puerto Ricans love to do for Christmas - eating pasteles, arroz con gandules and lechon and of course don't forget the rum! He reminds them that they are to party to the end of the year (which really ends with Three Kings Day on Jan. 6). He tells Puerto Rico to get together and party as one big family.

As a kid, I loved this song. As an adult, I love this song. It brings back memory of home. What's funny is that this tradition is still being upheld by Puerto Ricans everywhere whether we are "back home" or not. Talk about keeping our traditions alive.

So, since I don't own a digital camera as yet but wanting to keep in the tradition that missbhavens has started...Here's my musical version of "It Tastes Like Christmas".

El Gran Combo - La Fiesta De Pillito


Anonymous said...

OMG, I have been singing this song to my boyfriend, but I can only remember "a comer pasteles, a comer lechon, arroz con gandules" and then I would get stuck. My boyfriend thought that I made the song up. I can't believe after it drove me crazy for 2 months. I finally found it. I knew it was by the Gran Combo but I didn't know the name of the song.


A Nuyorican said...

I just saw this and was tickled pink. I noticed the song no longer plays :( I will fix that.

Girl, you should have bet him...this blog would have helped you win the bet. Glad I was able to help.