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A Nuyorican's Musical Theme

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I Am Back

Well I have been gone for a very long time. My Slider is not working properly and so much change has to be done to this vlog.

While away, I did keep in touch with the video aspect of the Web. Yes, I joined the thousands of video chatters. Here I met the strong, the weak, the sick, the healthy, the smart and the dumb and even the confused. I found a boyfriend, left a boyfriend and found a possible "Mr. Right" to find out he was "Mr. Wrong". And during this time, I laughed, cried, listened to new music and made friends. Even learned what an overlay is and used my video tools.

Unlike vlogging, I found instant gratification. To see someone's reaction immediately on cam was exciting to me. I saw all these possibilities of this new Web and was hooked by the people and interaction. The on-line community had me. I have never been into chat but chat with video and music, well that's another story. I had a great time, even when Winter ended (the reason why I joined), PalTalk remained. Spring and Summer soon arrived and although I was not hooked as previously, it became home. I had made so many friends from different parts of the country and even the world. I even met fellow New Yorkers. This new home was comfy and I settled in.

So why today did I leave that world - removed names on my pal list, shut down my user names and remove the software off my laptop? Well, some will say it's because of the failed and misguided online romance. But the truth, the truth is I knew it was time to leave. And therefore, I left Pal just the way I came in, no announcements. Poof! One day I just appeared in PalTalk and now poof, I'm gone.

Now is time to return to a more safer world - vlogging. A world of delayed gratification but I have learned that an instant one can hurt and also hurt others. I have returned to my haven.

1 comment:

Bill Cammack said...

Never heard of PalTalk... anyway... welcome back. :)