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A Nuyorican's Musical Theme

Monday, September 11, 2006

A Day of Remembrance

Like so many today, I took time to remember those lost to the 9/11 attack. That day is so surreal. It started for me when I walked out of the house. I usually never make a mental comment about the weather. But that day, I did. I actually told myself "My goodness, what a beautiful day today is."

I took the subway just like many New Yorkers. I went to work like so many that day. I was on the phone with a friend when she said someone just crashed into the building and they are telling us to stay put. I heard it in her voice...she was scared. I advised her to go, get out of there. But her answer to me was "I don't want to get in trouble, T. I am not like you, you trouble maker." She accepts what was told to her although she was scared and her gut was telling her the same thing I had said. The phone eventually went dead. She never got to hear me call her chicken. Never in my mind could I guess what I today know had transpired. America was under attack. Hours later, I see my friend again. But this time, she is on TV and she is holding a man's hand as she jumps out of desperation. And as I watch my friend jump, I see her acceptance of her death but also her defiance. For once, she did not accept what other said or did. She took a stance I could never take. For the true chicken here was me.

This post will contain no flag or pictures of Sarah. It has one of my most biggest treasures, my soul.

To all Americans, may God bless us all.

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