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Friday, April 13, 2007

Should Have Consulted My Magic 8 Ball

Well, as many of you know, Imus was fired from CBS Radio and his simulcast in MSNBC has been cancelled. Now I have to admit, as of my last posting I never ever thought CBS Radio would have fired him. Imus in the Morning garnish 25% of the revenue for WFAN-AM. For those who are not New Yorkers, WFAN-AM is an all sports station and Imus was about the only show which was not sports oriented in that station. Of course, as the day passed and advertisers continued not only to pull out of Imus' show but from the station rotation until Imus was fired, I, like Imus knew his end was drawing near.
Now, the question is do I feel this is justice? Yes, I do. These are my thoughts on the matter. 1) Imus waited 48 hours, 2 WHOLE days, to say that his statement was inappropriate. 2) Imus should have immediately on his own accord asked for time off to reflect on what he said. 3) He should never had gone to Al Sharpton's show first but asked to speak to the women of Rutgers first. 4) Imus should have stopped defending his stance and accepted, without the multiple denials and excuses, that he was wrong. All of these things are what in my mind cause the firing of Imus just. Al Roker's show just nailed it for me. Spike Lee and Whoopi Goldberg were 2 of his guests. Spike Lee was fired up and for course Whoopi who has condone and even explain racist acts in the past was what did it for me. Well, Ok, it was really Spike Lee and Al Roker that changed my mind. Whoopi is not credible in my book.
But I must admit that I was surprised when I heard that CBS Radio fired Imus. So from now on, I am going to ask my Magic 8 Ball first. When I posed the question to my Magic 8 Ball "Will Imus get fired from CBS Radio?" The answer was "Without A Doubt"

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