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A Nuyorican's Musical Theme

Monday, November 20, 2006

First San Antonio and Now Austin

We called it an early nite today; JK is exhausted. As for me, you know I have the energy of a three year old...LOL.

San Antonio was beautiful. We stood in a hotel called Watermark Hotel & Spa. John called me spoiled when I suggested that hotel as opposed to a hotel that someone in Pal Talk had suggested. After a few minutes, he said I made a wise choice. See people should trust me :) . Anyway, San Antonio's River Walk is just beautiful and at night it's so romantic with all its lights. We also visited San Antonio's Botanical Garden which anyone who is in San Antonio must visit. Of course, we also went to The Alamo. But mostly, we just traveled on our own, trying to get a feel of the place. San Antonio surprised me. I thought it would be very suburban but it's really very metropolitan, at least more metropolitan than what I had imagined. JK loved San Antonio and actually so did I. I took tons of pics and swear I will upload them when I get home.

Our next stop, Austin. We are currently in Austin and of course while there we visited our friend. Austin is just beautiful. I love Austin. So now there's some conflict, JK wants to live in San Antonio. I want Austin. Austin deserves its own post, that's how much I fell in love with the place. It's very cultural and has tons of museums :) . My favorite so far has to be Jack S Blanton Museum of Art located on the University of Texas campus. You must visit this place if you are a fan of art. So far I have visited 4 museums and I have only been here for 2 days. I think Austin is going to be my new home.

We did visit my work offices both in San Antonio and Austin. Both look the same to me and they both seem to look like my office in NJ, so much for individuality. Both offices have room for me and the people were so friendly so I felt very welcomed.

Well, another 2 days in Austin and then back to New York City. I do miss the city but I am loving Austin.

Later or better yet, heeeee hawwwww. By the way, I have yet to hear anyone say that...LOL.

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