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A Nuyorican's Musical Theme

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The End

Sometimes endings are great. Like the ending to one of my favorite movies Breakfast at Tiffany's. Some endings, although in the long run, are good for you, while you are facing the end, you are miserable. That's where I am today.

The end of a long relationship saddens me. But in the end, it is probably for the good for both parties. I cannot be who he wants in a partner and vice versa. It saddens me this ending because well, I am still in love. The love that I have for this person surpasses any love I have felt for another human being. So the loss is something I am currently mourning. But like the loss of my husband when we were both 24 years old, I know that although the absence will be felt, life will continue.

He has already moved on, his voice tells me so. I, on the other hand, need time to heal. Time to cry and mourn. But in the end, I, too, will forget or at least if not forget, no longer hurt.

The healing begins now.

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