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A Nuyorican's Musical Theme

Friday, October 27, 2006

Girls Nite Out Segunda Parte

Finally! Friday is here and Girls' Nite out has arrived. Good times, good food and great company. Boy, do we have a lot to catch up on.

As for me, my week has been exciting. For one, my manager has granted me permission to relocate and I can relocate to wherever I wish without a reduction in pay plus moving expenses paid. And I have decided which state to look at first as well but more on that later. Also, my project is getting kudos in Asia Pacific (Japan for now). Lots of hard work is finally paying off.... :) So I end this work week in high spirits, great friends and Victor's Cafe. If you come to NYC and you like Cuban food, Victor's Cafe is the place to go.

What more can a girl ask for...except for a new pair of 5" heeled boots?

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