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A Nuyorican's Musical Theme

Friday, October 20, 2006

The Journey of Life's Unknown

I thought about this on my way to work. In December of 2005, I wrote that I was looking forward to life's unknown. Somehow I knew that life was going to throw me curves and angles in 2006. As this year heads towards winding down. Some of the unknowns are knowns now.

Although I know myself pretty well and those who know me would agree. I still surprise myself with things that I continue to learn about myself. It amazes me how this year has started and how it seems it is going to end.

I have always been extremely career-driven. My work was my life. And yet in 2006, I finally stopped and took the time to smell the roses. I started to leave work on time. Instead of working 15 to 16 hour days, I learned to work my eight and go home. I went on vacation and did not call the office once. I learned to trust that people will do their jobs if you allow them to. Now, I do not micromanage but I do double and triple check people's work. This year I came to trust the team that I manage. And guess what? They did not disappoint me at all.

I started to spend more time with friends and family. My family on an average saw me for about an hour tops once a week on any given day and that included holidays. I was always too busy working to give them more time. I now spend Saturdays with my parents when I can but I definitely spend time with them on Sundays after Sunday service. I go out and spend time with friends as well.

Speaking about Sunday service I went from being a Roman Catholic to going to a non-denominational church. I have always had issues with my Roman Catholic religion. As you can see from my sidebar I started to question my faith and therefore found myself as a seeker. I am now drinking from the best well and drinking daily from its living waters.

I learned that I can love someone with all my heart and soul. Except for my husband, I have never loved anyone else like him. I learned that I still can love like that. This surprises me. I thought that part of me died with my husband. I learned that it did not.

I learned that not always will I take the higher road in situations. There are times that I take a much lower road. This surprised me the most. For I am known for always taking the higher road. But this year I made decisions or perform actions that I never knew I was capable of.

So now I wonder what other life's unknown are coming my way. Again, I say here's to that wonderful thing about life...the unknown.

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