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A Nuyorican's Musical Theme

Monday, October 23, 2006

Give Back

For those who don't know me, I have been volunteering my time for many years. To be exact, since I was 13 years old. I believe in giving back to the community. Even if you can devote only an hour of your time once a month, people should give back. Our communities good or bad are our home. If you are unable to give to your community, give your time to a cause you believe in but give back. We are on this earth together so why make someone's else life just a little bit easier, happier or just to let them know that there is someone here who wants to spend some time with them.

JPMorgan Chase sponsors the On_Dec program which brings computers to school kids. It's an excellent program and they teach you how to install computers so novices can do it too. I looked and could not find how those who do not work for the company can participate. But there's another program that is modeled after the On_Dec program. Here's a link to that website, Comp2Kids.

Please devote your time, even if it's hour. It's worth it.

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